
QJMS recognizes the growing significance of open access and the dynamic exchange of scholarly works to foster knowledge dissemination and collaboration. To this end, we outline the following repository archiving permissions for authors' contributions in this journal.


Pre-print: An original draft of the contribution before undergoing peer review. It's a work in progress made available for comments and critique.

Post-print: The author's contribution after it has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, with revisions made.

Publisher's version: The final version of the contribution as it appears in the QJMS, post-typesetting and formatting.


  1. Pre-Print Archiving: Authors can post pre-prints on personal websites, institutional repositories, or non-commercial pre-print servers. This encourages the early sharing of findings and fosters a community of feedback.
  2. Post-Print Archiving: Authors are encouraged to deposit post-prints in institutional or other non-commercial repositories. This ensures wider dissemination of the final, peer-reviewed work.
  3. Publisher's Version/PDF Archiving: As soon as the publisher's version is available, authors may archive this version on personal websites, the repository of their home institution, or other non-commercial repositories. When archiving the publisher's version, it's essential to provide complete bibliographic citation from QJMS along with a link to the article's URL or DOI.


License Conditions:

All archived versions (pre-prints, post-prints, and publisher's versions) should adhere to the **Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) license**. This license permits the sharing and adaptation of the work non-commercially, given appropriate attribution, and ensures derivative works have the same licensing.

Attribution and Compliance:

Authors must ensure adherence to QJMS's policies and copyright regulations when archiving. Deposits in repositories should appropriately attribute the original publication in QJMS.

Review of Policy

QJMS will routinely review and update this policy to resonate with the best practices in scholarly publishing and repository archiving. Any modifications will be communicated to the authors and be accessible on QJMS's official website.