Comparing the Use of AI Tools in Mathematics and English Education: The Potential and Challenges of AI as Learning Assistant for FKIP UQ Students in Completing Academic Tasks


  • Happy Kusuma Wardani English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Eva Nur Mazidah English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Qomaruddin
  • Bariqotul Hidayah English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Qomaruddin



artificial intelligences


This study investigates the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among students enrolled in Mathematics and English Language Education programs at higher education in completing their academic tasks. Through a qualitative method, the study examines students' attitudes towards AI, their preferred AI tools, and the perceived benefits and challenges associated with AI integration in academic tasks. The findings reveal that the majority of students in both programs view AI as a valuable tool for enhancing learning outcomes and academic performance. Chat GPT emerges as the most favoured AI tool, particularly among Mathematics students. Moreover, students acknowledge the potential of AI to improve their motivation in learning and provide personalized feedback. However, students also express concerns regarding AI's limitations, including its inaccuracy and potential biases in data and information. Overall, this study underscores the importance of integrating AI responsibly and equitably to optimize its benefits and address potential drawbacks.


Keywords: Artificial Intelligences; AI tools; learning assistant; academic tasks; higher education students.



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How to Cite

Wardani, H. K., Mazidah, E. N., & Hidayah, B. . (2024). Comparing the Use of AI Tools in Mathematics and English Education: The Potential and Challenges of AI as Learning Assistant for FKIP UQ Students in Completing Academic Tasks. Qomaruna Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 1(2).